VC fellowship graduation
Congratulations to our Spring 2024 Cohort!
Congratulations to all 21 Fusion Fellows who graduated from our 2024 Venture Fellowship Program! This was our third year offering the program, and we were fortunate to receive more than 400 applicants. We could not be prouder of this talented cohort, a highly diverse group with a broad range of technical, scientific and quantitative backgrounds.
The program is designed for working professionals in technical roles and students pursuing advanced degrees in technical domains, with the goal of helping them explore the world of venture capital and startups. Managing Partner Lu Zhang founded the program in 2022, and Partner David Gerster led the program in 2023 and 2024.
We designed this program to demystify the opaque world of VC, distilling the key concepts into a rigorous twelve-week course. We covered deal sourcing and due diligence; how venture capital compares to other “alternative” investments; the mechanics of preferred stock and convertible notes; term sheet negotiation; and the nuances of how founders and investors think about dilution in the context of a financing. In the words of one fellow, “The Fusion Venture Fellowship is a cheat code for VC.”
We also designed this program to function as an apprenticeship, with hands-on exercises in deal sourcing and screening. This proved to be one of the most popular features of the program, providing an opportunity for future investors to learn by doing.
Fusion Fund is committed to building a talent pipeline to establish the next generation of venture investors. Congratulations again to all our Fellows for their dedication and curiosity throughout this intensive twelve-week journey!
Asmi Chakraborty
Massachusetts Life Sciences Center- Manager
Harvard Medical School
Boxuan Zhong
Instagram - Tech Lead
North Carolina State University
Da Zhang
UCSF - Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Miami
Danqing Zhang
Stealth Startup - Co-founder/CTO
University of California, Berkeley
Elena Jia
Airtable - Software Engineer
University of California, Berkeley
Jason Lin
Google DeepMind - Research Scientist
Stanford University
Jay Patel
Labelbox - Product Lead
Stanford University
Jeffrey Chen
Sutter Mills-Peninsula Medical Center - Attending Emergency Physician
Harvard Medical School
Jin Xie
Grail - Bioinformatics Scientist
Stanford University
Jingkun Zhang
NVIDIA - Senior Software Engineer
University of Washington, Seattle
Justin Lee
University of California, Berkeley - Graduate Student Researcher
University of California, Berkeley
Lu Han
Microsoft - Product Manager
Stanford University
Makenna Pennel
Starshot Capital - PhD Associate
Stanford University
Meng Tang
Uber - Senior Machine Learning Engineer
Stanford University
Rachel Li
Apple - Hardware Technology Lead
Stanford University
Tristan Yeung
AGM International Group - Biotech Consultant
Harvard Medical School
Varuna Chander
Office of Technology Transfer, Stanford - Business Development and Marketing Intern
Stanford University
Verona Teo
Stanford University - Research Fellow
University of California, Berkeley
Wenming Zhang
Stanford Healthcare Design Challenge - Data Lead
Stanford University
Xiaobo Zhang
Google Gemini - Tech Lead/Manager
Stanford University
Yiwen Yuan
Kumo AI - Software Engineer
Carnegie Mellon University